iPolymer PTFE Pressure Regulator is designed for use in high purity water and aggressive chemical applications. Designed with a 100% virgin PTFE wetted flow path, the unit is ideal for DI Water Systems and corrosive media found in solar, semiconductor, pharmaceutical and chemical process applications. All configurations are fitted for Panel Mounting with easy-to-grip Adjustment Knob. The PTFE-coated stainless steel adjustment screw is configured for low torque reliable manual operation.

LO = Factory-set for 0-40 psi.
HI = Factory-set for 30-60 psi.

Turn adjustment knob clockwise to increase outlet pressure. Turn adjustment knob counter-clockwise to decrease outlet pressure. Do not over-torque the adjustment knob against the travel stop.
기능 및 이점
- Wetted Surfaces: Machined 100% Virgin PTFE & TFM
- Non Wetted Materials: PVDF, Brass, Polypro, SS
- Regulating Springs: Coated Steel
- 0-60°C Ambient
- 0-130°C Media
- Up to 90 psi inlet pressure.
- Two factory-set regulating options 0-40 or 30-60 psi.
- Contact us for pressure ranges when operating above 160°F.

품목 번호 | Port/Orifice Size | Port Type | Dim “A” (in) | Body Type |
PRG-64-F-LO | 3/8 in Flare X .250 in Orifice | Flare | 3.45 | LO (low set point) |