iPolymer PTFE 特氟龙吸气器

iPolymer PTFE Air & Liquid Aspirators

Air Aspirators use clean dry air (CDA) or Nitrogen to initiate and sustain a natural or forced siphon. Applications include the draining and mixing of containment vessels and the removal of saturated waste chemistry. Air Aspirators are also used where recovery recirculation is desired in process chemistries.

Liquid Aspirators use water or DI Water to aspirate and dilute harsh chemical baths. One common application is the dilution siphoning of Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) used for chemical cleaning and etching.

PTFE Air and Liquid Aspirators are designed for efficient and rapid siphoning of harsh chemicals. They are essentially a low cost PTFE Venturi vacuum pump. They are sold as standalone siphoning bodies or as kits. Aspirator Kits include 8 feet of PTFE Tubing and Compression Fittings. The CHK Kit includes a special PTFE check valve mounted on the siphon port to prevent possible back flow.

PTFE Air & Liquid Aspirators Spec Sheet (PDF)

Performance Recommendations:

  • The Minimum Pressure to initiate a siphon is 5 psi. This pressure is a function of the fluid viscosity and ambient conditions.
  • The 1/2″ Aspirator will siphon with a slightly greater vacuum compared to the 3/8″ Aspirator.
  • Overall performance will vary based on the viscosity of the media being siphoned.
  • Air Aspirators must be mounted at least 14″ below the suction point (siphon point). Liquid Aspirators can be mounted level with the suction/siphon point.
  • For continuous flow applications, it is best to actuate an Air Aspirator with 30 to 50 psi of CDA for 10 to 15 seconds then turn off the air supply and allow the Air Aspirator to work by pure suction (siphoning action only).
  • Back pressure on the Outlet Port will decrease the ability of the Aspirators to create a proper siphon.
iPolymer PTFE Liquid Aspirator Application

Liquid Aspirators

Item # Inlet Port (FNPT) Siphon Port (FNPT) Outlet Port (FNPT) Aspirator Type
KL-A-1866 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Liquid Kit (Standard)
KL-A-1866-CHK 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Liquid Kit with Check Valve
KL-A-1886 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Liquid Kit (Standard)
KL-A-1886-CHK 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Liquid Kit with Check Valve
L-A-1866 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Liquid Aspirator (body only)
L-A-1886 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Liquid Aspirator (body only)

Air Aspirators

Item # Inlet Port (FNPT) Siphon Port (FNPT) Outlet Port (FNPT) Aspirator Type
KA-A-1866 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Air Kit (Standard)
KA-A-1866-CHK 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Air Kit with Check Valve
KA-A-1886 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Air Kit (Standard)
KA-A-1886-CHK 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Air Kit with Check Valve
A-A-1866 3/8 in 3/8 in 1/2 in Air Aspirator (body only)
A-A-1886 3/8 in 1/2 in 1/2 in Air Aspirator (body only)

Aspirator Kits

Standard Kit: Aspirator Body, Handle, 8 ft of PTFE Tubing and a PTFE Compression fittings for each port – Inlet, Outlet, and Siphon Ports.

Check Valve Kit: Aspirator Body, Handle, 8 ft of PTFE Tubing, PTFE Compression fittings for Inlet and Outlet, and PTFE Check Valve mounted on Siphon Port.


Pressure Temperature (Ambiet) Temperature (Media)
10-60 psi 32-160ºF (0-72ºC) 0-260ºF (-18-127ºC)


Inlet Pressure Air 3/8-in Suction Air 1/2-in Suction Liquid 3/8-in Suction Liquid 1/2-in Suction
50 psi 6.3 7.2 13.0 13.3
40 psi 5.3 5.8 11.3 11.5
30 psi 4.0 4.5 8.9 8.9
20 psi 3.0 3.0 6.4 6.5
10 psi 1.5 1.5 3.8 3.8

*Value represented in inches of Mercury