A White Knight PCA300 centrifugal pump system was tested to determine how its use affects the size distribution of particles in Semi-Sperse® 12 slurry. The slurry was circulated until it passed through the pump approximately 1,000 times. After 1,000 turnovers, no change in the mean working particle size distribution was observed with DLS…


一個 PXASD060 风囊泵 可替代 Levitronix BPS600 磁力泵可在相同的循环系统同时运行。 溶液的温度进行了录制8个小时。White Knight 泵保持稳定的液体温度。 磁力泵有明显的加热。


此报告比较从一个 闭环控制系统 和 Levitronix 系统压力和流量脉冲,并评估它们对膜过滤器的保持效率的效果。 White Knight 系统中使用的是 PSA060 泵,Levitronix 系统中使用的是 BPS-4 磁力泵。
