Imtec Accubath™ Quick Dump Rinse (QDR) valves are air open/close valves that offer reliability, improved efficiency, easy installation, and reduced costs. They mount to PVDF, NPP, or PFA tanks. Their unique design saves material and machining cost without sacrificing performance. They utilize Glyd rings instead of O-rings. Glyd rings do not need to be lubed and reduce the chance of stiction, which is common to O-rings. Our QDR valves attach to their mounting ring via shoulder screws instead of large threads that can be easily damaged by cross threading. Their domed dump door sheds any fluid left after a quick dump to improve process performance. It comes with hard seat or O-ring seat seal. Hard seat doors do not provide a perfect seal but offer the benefit of no maintenance. O-ring seal doors are used where a complete seal is required. O-rings are purchased separately and are available in various materials. Both doors use a common NPP valve with interchangeable caps and mounting rings for use on NPP, PVDF, and PFA tanks.