White Knight 收到犹他州的心理协会的2012年心理健康工作环境奖,该组织认为White Knight 在工作中创造良好的工作环境。 White Knight 有几十个计划,旨在提高员工的健康和福祉,以及许多也提高了员工的表现,以及公司的产品。 西撒哈拉建设、鹿谷资源和美国运通公司也获奖。 SLC Tribune Article
“In this time of high job stress and increasing demands on employees, these exemplary workplaces have made it a priority to create environments that are sensitive to the health and well-being of their workers….By rewarding these organizations for their efforts, we hope others will take notice and implement similar programs in their workplaces.”
— A.J. Metz, President-elected, Utah Psychological Association