For the second year in a row, Heateflex exhibited at the Food Safety Summit (FSS) conference. The show was held in Rosemont, IL from May 8-11 where Heateflex exhibited the Demeter™ automated media preparation system. The Demeter has effectively increased testing, productivity, and accuracy where it is used in pathogens testing by food safety labs.
With Demeter, lab technicians have the flexibility to run multiple tests using different test media. In addition, testing labs can eliminate the autoclave step used to heat and sterilize test media, improving lab productivity. Demeter heats and precisely dispenses sterilized water into food lab testing containers containing test media. Furthermore, if the Demeter dispenses heated sterilized water directly into test containers containing pre-sterilized test media, labs can eliminate the autoclave step in the testing sequence. Thus, through this approach, a food lab can potentially increase testing throughput by up to 7X.
The FSS is one of the premier food safety shows held in America each year, and in 2017 drew nearly 1600 attendees. The Demeter, installed in a number of leading food testing labs, garnered visitor attention at the Heateflex booth.
Demeter System:

Heateflex demonstrates Demeter system