FHU系列过滤器外壳适合所有尺寸的过滤器。They provide high-flow performance, and reliable sealing that can be tightened after initial compression loads. These PTFE/PFA housings are nonmetal and enable changing filters without disconnecting liquid lines. They are capable of up to 210°C (410°F) fluid temperatures.
旧型号的过滤器外壳: GA 2500
- 适合所有尺寸的过滤器
- 过程安全的PTFE和PFA液体通路
- 无泄漏双密封圈挤压式密封
- Low pressure drop (1-in flow path)
- Durable machined design with no metal parts
- 易于配置、安装和维护
- 垂直和水平可用的安装选项
- 波纹管和螺杆,保持过滤器所在的位置,甚至应用于热循环应用
- Synchro-Thread™ allows for fluids up to 210°C (410°F) and provides complete, reliable containment
- 更大的过滤面积
- 在没有连接进出口管路下更换过滤器
- 7 Bar (100 psi) maximum pressure at 70°C (158°F), and 1.4 Bar (20 psi) maximum Pressure at 210°C (410°F)
- 最少的零件耐用的设计
- 在一年的保修期内不会有任何预防性维护
- 100级洁净室装配、测试和封装
- 各种液体连接选项的
Two O-rings in an angled load system ensure reliable seals to prevent leaks. Sealing pressure can be adjusted beyond initial compression loads. They maintain pressure and prevent leaks, which improves reliability, and eliminates costly downtime and expensive cleanup.