LHA系列层流流动泵能稳定提供最高达30L/min的流量以及以工艺稳定的PTFE和PFA流体路径为特征。 他们有最高100°C的流体温度,5.5巴(80 psi)的供气压力能力和吸升力高达3米的能力。
- 层流流量最大可达30L/min
- 过程安全的PTFE和PFA液体通路
- 无橡胶O形圈、不漏水、无需紧固
- 使用无泄漏密封技术可保障泵可靠运行
- 模拟信号的行程检测
- 光纤和电阻式测漏传感器都是可用的
- 共聚物底座最大限度地减少磨损和延长寿命
- 各种液体连接选项的
- 极大的改进了风囊的技术
- 5.5公斤(80psi)气压
- 蒙打能力是可行的
- 吸液高度为3米
- 最少的零件耐用的设计
- 耐用的机械设计
- 易于安装和维护
- 100级洁净室装配、测试和封装
- 在两年的保修期内不会有任何预防性维护

*Graph is for reference only. Performance was measured utilizing 1/2 in (3/8 in ID) air line and 1-1/4 in (1-1/8 in ID) liquid lines with 1 ft flooded suction. Performance may vary in your system.

Model |
LHA030 |
Flow Rate* | ≤ 31 lpm (8.2 gpm) |
Air Connection | 1/4" FNPT |
Fluid Temperature | ≤ 100°C (212°F) |
Supply Air Pressure | ≤ 5.5 bar (80 psi) |
Startup Air Pressure | ≥ 1.4 bar (20 psi) |
Required Air Volume | ≥ 26 SCFM |
Suction Lift* | 3 m (10 ft) |
Fluid Path Materials | PTFE, PFA |
Non-Fluid Path Materials | PTFE, PFA, PP, Viton, Neodymium, PET-P, UHMW |
Stroke Detection Options | Hall Effect Sensor (NPN or PNP) |
Leak Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or conductivity |
Electronic Control | Call for details |
Air Requirements |
Air Signals | Two 5-way valves (center vent) or Four 3-way valves (normally closed) |
Valves with metal seals are recommended for longer life |
Electrical Requirements |
24 VDC Power Power consumption depends on current draw on external devices:
Pump Connections |
Controller Connections |
Digital Outputs |
Digital Inputs |
Analog Inputs | Two stroke sensors |
*可能根据不同配置。吸升高度会随着时间的推移而减少。推荐的安装水平高于液态源1米以上。联系人White Knight 获得更多信息。