Quartz fabrication / welding is a highly specialized skill and that is why IMTEC maintains it’s own fabrication facility with the specialized tools and training required to meet the demanding quartz needs of our customers.
Our fused quartz fabrication facility provides the experienced welders necessary to create custom quartz tanks and other components at reasonable prices. Anyone who has ever worked with fused quartz knows that it can be finicky and dangerous, and incorrect welding can cause the entire piece to crack or shatter during manufacturing. IMTEC is able to produce exceptionally large fused quartz tanks with intricate features to specification, thanks to our team of highly experienced fused quartz welders.
- 石英タンク溶接
- 石英タンク修復
- 石英 Chamber Welding
- 石英カスタムタンク
- 石英 Fire Polishing
- 石英リワーク修正
- 石英修復
- チューブ溶接
- アニーリング
- プロトタイプデザイン
- 石英 CNC フライス加工
- 石英 ブランチング
- 石英旋盤作業
- スカラップ
- 石英 スロット
- セラミック
- ガラス
- サファイア
- 石英, フューズドシリカ (SiO2)
- 酸化アルミニウム (Al2O3)

Many items made of quartz are unique in nature. Here at IMTEC we understand and embrace this fact by working with our customers to brainstorm, design, and fabricate many different quartz ware products.
- 石英 Baffle
- 石英 Plasma Chamber
- 石英 Tray
- Chamber
- 石英 Boat
- 石英 Carrier
- 石英蒸留器
- Thermocouple Sheaths
- 石英環
- 石英円盤

Our core expertise is with quartz tanks. We’ve built thousands of quartz tanks to meet our customer needs and requirements. We work with you to better understand your needs and help design custom tanks.

Quartz Drains
Drains are typically placed on the side or bottom of quartz tanks. They can be used to simply evacuate the tank or to recirculate chemistry. The drain pictured demonstrates our quartz machining capabilities.

石英 Boats
A quartz boat can come in many shapes and sizes. These quartz boat are typically designed to accommodate wafers or substrates of 4”, 6”, 8” and 12” diameters. IMTEC can suggest a design or we can build to your specifications.

石英 Boat Adapters
This adapter was used to place 6” wafer quartz boats into a quartz bath designed for 8” wafers. Having this adapter can lead to cost reduction and increased production throughput by allowing multiple quartz boat sizes to fit in one tank.

An aspirator, also called a filter pump, is a device that produces a vacuum by means of the Venturi effect. In an aspirator, fluid flows through a tube which then narrows. These quartz aspirators can be used in high temperature applications along with a high purity process requirement.

石英 Chambers
Chambers and plasma tubes are used for containing plasmas that can reach extremely high temperatures but require high purity and visual verification. The quartz used to manufacture these tubes is ideal, due to its high resistance to heat and its unique purity that can reach 99.9995%. IMTEC can work with you to manufacture these complex parts to specifications.