


White Knight 計量泵不同的流量可以使用在單片洗清的制程上或提供混合後的液體輸送。 他們被設計用於化學補充、混合、計量等環境應用、以及使用在清潔CVD設備和光刻。 他們是理想的光致抗蝕劑,蝕刻和清洗工藝,食人魚過氧化混合物扣球,和之前推出基板化學混合物進入處理槽等混合。

  • 可調式的行程速度
  • 安全、無洩漏操作,不需要維護
  • 無暴露的金屬防止腐蝕和污染
  • 高純度度化學品完全包攬PTFE液體通道
  • PP外殼的PTFE材質的旋轉膜片
  • 佔用空間小;易於安裝和服務


PEM050電子計量泵具有可調節行程的能力可執行高達50 ml及±0.01%重複性。 使用PLC系統壓力範圍60-85psi,支持活動的膜片。 有2、4、5、6介面可以選擇。



PPM100氣動計量泵分配到具有±0.1%的重複性100毫升腐蝕性液體。 壓力範圍60-85psi可調整工作行程,支持活動的膜片。 兩個可以精確控制的逆止閥。



Heateflex Ultra-Pure Fluid Blending & Mixing Systems

Mixing and blending are often the most demanding operations in chemical process applications. Heateflex engineers solutions for industries that rely heavily on mixing, blending and heating technology, such as found in the semiconductor, life science, and food & beverage industries. Heateflex tools enable fast blend times, with added flexibility, ease of cleaning, and a range of customized features that are carefully designed to optimize scale-up and to ensure effective and efficient mixing.

Heateflex also incorporates blending technologies in temperature trimming applications where precise degree control is of utmost importance. Our patented technologies achieve accurate and consistent DI water temperatures by successfully blending cool/ambient water with heated supply water.

Fluidix® Steam-Powered DI Water Heater Systems

Fluidix® steam-powered deionized (DI) water heater systems offer the semiconductor industry a low-cost alternative to…

Fluidix® Heaters

Aquarius® 去離子熱水器系統

Aquarius® deionized (DI) water heaters are the perfect solution for high-purity DI Water heating applications that require highly accurate temperature control. Its Power-to-Flow Control® feature provides one of the most accurate temperature controls available in DI water heating systems, and it eliminates undesirable overshoots or drops in temperature due to inadequate PID controllers. Aquarius® systems are engineered to deliver high flows of continuous, at-temperature, hot DI water.

  • Ultra-pure design with PVDF/PFA wetted surfaces
  • Programmable logic controller delivers enhanced temperature stability
  • No N2 purge required
  • Plug-and-play system with fully integrated controls
  • High-resolution touch-screen
  • Save costs by reducing the need for multiple immersion heaters
Aquarius® DI Water Heater Systems

White Knight 特點和技術優勢

White Knight 的工程師開發專門技術提供卓越的液體處理的解決方案。我們理解在製造環境中品質材料和純度的重要性。我們保證產品應用在高純度環境,高純度泵和最長的保修。