X シリーズポンプは、PTFE/PFA製で金属を全く使用していません。 これらは、最高温度100℃で薬品を配送し、最高供給空気圧4気圧(60 psi)を可能にしています。 これらのポンプは、1年の保証期間にわたって安全で確実な連続運転を保証しています。 これらのポンプは、各々最高流量 20、及び55 lpmで動作するX50 及び X100 3種類のモデルで提供されます。
- 金属を使用しないPTFE/PFA液体流路
- リークのない加工設計
- エラストマーOリング未使用、リークなし、増し締め不要
- シフト機構に潤滑剤は使用していません
- モータ未使用のため温度上昇なし
- Pneumatic Logic™は、ポンプの振動と液体の脈動を最小限に抑えます
- 各種液体接続オプション
- 非金属設計による安全でリークのない動作
- ポリプロピレン製ヘッドとエア・シャトル・バル部内のセラミック
- 耐久性設計を実現する最小限の部品点数
- Class 100クリーンルームでの組み立て、試験、及び梱包
- 設置と修理が容易
- 2億サイクル以上の高信頼性を実証
- 1年の保証期間中予防保守は不要です
X & PSRシリーズ温度限界



*Air Usage data intentionally removed due to changes in data collection method



Model |
X50 |
Warranty | 1 Year |
2 Years |
Max Flow Rate* | 20 lpm 5 gpm |
26.2 lpm 6.92 gpm |
Size of Air Connection | 1/8 or 1/4 in FNPT |
1/4 in FNPT |
Displacement Per Cycle* | 0.076 liters 0.02 gal |
0.074 liters 0.019 gal |
Cycles Per Minute* | ≤ 270 |
≤ 333 |
Weight | 2.6 kg 5.7 lb |
6.4 kg 14.1 lb |
Suction Lift* | 1 m (3 ft) |
1 m (3 ft) |
Sound Pressure** | 69.38 dB(a) 76.55 dB(a) |
74.00 dB(a) 79.90 dB(a) |
Sound Power** | 58.52 dB(a) 65.75 dB(a) |
63.01 dB(a) 69.90 dB(a) |
Max Pressure | 4 Bar (60 psi) |
7 Bar (100 psi) |
Max Temperature | 100°C (212°F) |
100°C (212°F) |
Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA |
Non-Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
Stroke Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or solid state pressure switch |
Leak Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or conductivity |
Electronic Control | Available |
Model |
X50 |
*May vary depending on configuration. Suction lift diminishes over time. Recommended installation level less than 3 ft above source.
**dB Level at 60 psi 50CPM (top) and 60 psi maximum CPM (bottom). Sound Levels measured in accordance with ISO9614-2:1997.
Contact White Knight for details.

*Air Usage data intentionally removed due to changes in data collection method



Model |
X100 |
Warranty | 1 Year |
2 Years |
Max Flow Rate* | 55 lpm 14 gpm |
62.3 lpm 16.46 gpm |
Size of Air Connection | 1/4 or 3/8 in FNPT |
1/4 in FNPT |
Displacement Per Cycle* | 0.189 liters 0.05 gal |
0.178 liters 0.047 gal |
Cycles Per Minute* | ≤ 300 |
≤ 348 |
Weight | 5.1 kg 11.1 lb |
4.7 kg 10.4 lb |
Suction Lift* | 1 m (3 ft) |
3 m (10 ft) |
Sound Pressure** | 72.38 dB(a) 79.12 dB(a) |
73.11 dB(a) 82.50 dB(a) |
Sound Power** | 64.31 dB(a) 71.98 dB(a) |
64.29 dB(a) 74.11 dB(a) |
Max Pressure | 4 Bar (60 psi) |
7 Bar (100 psi) |
Max Temperature | 100°C (212°F) |
100°C (212°F) |
Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA |
Non-Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
Stroke Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or solid state pressure switch |
Leak Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or conductivity |
Electronic Control | Available |
Model |
X100 |
*May vary depending on configuration. Suction lift diminishes over time. Recommended installation level less than 3 ft above source.
**dB Level at 60 psi 50CPM (top) and 60 psi maximum CPM (bottom). Sound Levels measured in accordance with ISO9614-2:1997.
Contact White Knight for details.

*Air Usage data intentionally removed due to changes in data collection method



Model |
X50 |
Warranty | 1 Year |
1 Year |
Max Flow Rate* | 20 lpm 5 gpm |
21.9 lpm 5.79 gpm |
Size of Air Connection | 1/8 or 1/4 in FNPT |
1/4 in FNPT |
Displacement Per Cycle* | 0.076 liters 0.02 gal |
0.076 liters 0.020 gal |
Cycles Per Minute* | ≤ 270 |
≤ 300 |
Weight | 2.6 kg 5.7 lb |
2.5 kg 5.5 lb |
Suction Lift* | 1 m (3 ft) |
1 m (3 ft) |
Sound Pressure** | 69.38 dB(a) 76.55 dB(a) |
69.38 dB(a) 76.55 dB(a) |
Sound Power** | 58.52 dB(a) 65.75 dB(a) |
58.52 dB(a) 65.75 dB(a) |
Max Pressure | 4 Bar (60 psi) |
4 Bar (60 psi) |
Max Temperature | 100°C (212°F) |
100°C (212°F) |
Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA |
Non-Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
Stroke Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or solid state pressure switch |
Leak Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or conductivity |
Electronic Control | Available |
Model |
X50 |
*May vary depending on configuration. Suction lift diminishes over time. Recommended installation level less than 3 ft above source.
**dB Level at 60 psi 50CPM (top) and 60 psi maximum CPM (bottom). Sound Levels measured in accordance with ISO9614-2:1997.
Contact White Knight for details.

*Air Usage data intentionally removed due to changes in data collection method



Model |
X100 |
Warranty | 1 Year |
1 Year |
Max Flow Rate* | 55 lpm 14 gpm |
57.5 lpm 15.19 gpm |
Size of Air Connection | 1/4 or 3/8 in FNPT |
1/4 in FNPT |
Displacement Per Cycle* | 0.189 liters 0.05 gal |
0.189 liters 0.050 gal |
Cycles Per Minute* | ≤ 300 |
≤ 258 |
Weight | 5.1 kg 11.1 lb |
5.0 kg 11.0 lb |
Suction Lift* | 1 m (3 ft) |
1 m (3 ft) |
Sound Pressure** | 72.38 dB(a) 79.12 dB(a) |
72.38 dB(a) 79.12 dB(a) |
Sound Power** | 64.31 dB(a) 71.98 dB(a) |
64.31 dB(a) 71.98 dB(a) |
Max Pressure | 4 Bar (60 psi) |
4 Bar (60 psi) |
Max Temperature | 100°C (212°F) |
100°C (212°F) |
Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA |
Non-Fluid Path Materials | PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
PTFE / PFA / PP / ceramic |
Stroke Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or solid state pressure switch |
Leak Detection Options | Fiber optic with or without sensor, or conductivity |
Electronic Control | Available |
Model |
X100 |
*May vary depending on configuration. Suction lift diminishes over time. Recommended installation level less than 3 ft above source.
**dB Level at 60 psi 50CPM (top) and 60 psi maximum CPM (bottom). Sound Levels measured in accordance with ISO9614-2:1997.
Contact White Knight for details.