Demeter System Draws Crowds at Food Safety Summit

For the second year in a row, Heateflex exhibited at the Food Safety Summit (FSS) conference. The show was held in Rosemont, IL from May 8-11 where Heateflex exhibited the Demeter™ automated media preparation system. The Demeter has effectively increased testing, productivity, and accuracy where it is used in pathogens testing by food safety labs.…

Heateflex Joins SCH Electronics At SEMICON China

Heateflex Corporation exhibited with SCH Electronics Co., LTD. at SEMICON China, held in Shanghai from March 15 through 17. SCH is a leading provider of products and services in Asia for the semiconductor, flat panel display, PV, and LED manufacturing industries. In addition, SCH is the distributor for Heateflex across China and Taiwan. Representing Heateflex…

Semicon West 2015

White Knight demonstrated high-purity flow and pressure control systems, metering pumps and pressure regulators at Semicon West 2015. Demonstrations compared White Knight systems to centrifugal systems for flow pulsation, filter retention and temperature stability.