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iPolymer PTFE Nitrogen/Drying Guns (Nitro)
iPolymer Spray Guns Brochure

PTFE Nitrogen Drying Guns (Nitro)

iPolymer PTFE Nitrogen Guns (Nitro) can deliver maximum anti-corrosion protection wherever extreme chemical environments are used in the vicinity of nitrogen dispensing or dying. Like its companion, the DI Water Spray, Nitro is manufactured of the same durable materials to resist acid attacks.

  • Maximum Operating Pressure: 75 psi
  • Media Temperature Range: 40 – 130ºF
Item # Description
NITRO-1 N2 spray gun with 1/4-in FNPT inlet, filter housing with disposable filter
NITRO-2 SG-101 with 1/4-in FNPT inlet, filter housing with disposable filter

Nitro guns are OSHA 1910.242(b) and 41-CFR-50-204.8 compliant with filter and housing attached.


Hose Style Material OD (in) Length Coiled (in) Length Stretch (in) Coil OD (in) Compatible Guns
C4-FEP Coiled FEP 1/4 26 66 1-1/2 NITRO-1, NITRO-2
C4-PU Coiled Blue PU 1/4 31 108 1-1/8 NITRO-1, NITRO-2
C8-FEP Coiled PFA 1/4 30 78 4 NITRO-1, NITRO-2

*Ethylene propylene (EP), Fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP), Kalrez (KA), Perfluoroalkoxy (PFA), Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Polyurethane (PU)


Fitting Description Material Compatible Guns
MC-F-44 iPolymer Male, 1/4-in Tube x 1/4-in MNPT PTFE NITRO-1, NITRO-2
J44 JACO Male, 1/4-in Tube x 1/4-in MNPT Polypro NITRO-1, NITRO-2

Disposable Nitrogen Filters

Each filter is composed of a 25mm diameter Hydrophilic Versapor® Acrylic Copolymer 800 Membrane 0.80um assembled with Polypropylene Ring with Clear Acrylic Luer Housing. Available in quantities of 10, 50, or 100.

Item # Qnty
N2F-10 10
N2F-50 50
N2F-100 100