White Knight Demonstrates High-Purity Flow and Pressure Control Systems at Semicon West 2015
White Knight attended Semicon West 2015 to demonstrate high-purity closed-loop control systems, electronic metering pumps, universal filter housings, and pressure regulators.
Main demonstrations compared White Knight’s high-purity pump systems to centrifugal systems. Flow pulsations from White Knight pumps and centrifugal pumps are both relatively low and nearly identical, regardless of the operating conditions tested. There was no measurable difference in filter retention between the White Knight pumps and centrifugal pumps tested.
Most importantly, temperature stability tests showed that White Knight pumps did not increase fluid bath temperature, while the centrifugal pump increased the fluid temperature by 10°C in 2 hours, and more than 30°C in 8 hours. White Knight closed-loop control systems are also capable of operating in temperatures up to 210°C (410°F). White Knight pumps are able to maintain steady temperatures due to their metal-free designs, unlike the centrifugal pump which relies on electric motors, impellers and magnets.
Learn more about White Knight’s closed-loop control systems at https://wkfluidhandling.com/closed-loop.

Thermal image of centrifugal pump (left) and White Knight pump (right)

Image of centrifugal pump (left) and White Knight pump (right)
White Knight Product Releases
Metering pumps for chemical replenishing, blending, dosing, and spiking applications feature fully-swept fluid paths and can dispense 1-50 ml high-purity chemical with ±0.01% repeatability at 60-80 psi pressures.
White Knight’s universal filter housings accept any type of filter. They are available in two-chamber and four-chamber versions that operate in parallel or series (in-line) operation. They contain no metal parts and allow for filters to be changed without disconnecting liquid lines using industry standard fluid connections.
Pressure vessels provide laminar flow at dispense points and serve as chemical holding or mixing tanks. They come in various diameters and connectable pipe lengths with configurable port connections.
Pressure regulators maintain system pressure for chemical circulation loops and systems with multiple tool drops or dispense points. These highly accurate devices are capable of 100°C (212°F) and 7 Bar (100 psi) pressures.