RMA Overview
To request a return material authorization (RMA) for pumps or parts that need to be returned for evaluation or repairs, complete the Request RMA form on this webpage and send us your completed Decontamination Certification form.
If you prefer to file your request offline, download the Decontamination Certification and the RMA Request form for your product. Email your completed forms to White Knight Customer Support at support@wkfluid.com. After review, an RMA number will be issued and shipping instructions will be sent via email.
Request RMA

What to Include
All products returned to White Knight for warranty evaluation or repair must be complete with all parts and components including but not limited to: base plates, mounting screws, tubing connectors, tubing connector caps, flare noses, shuttle valves, mufflers, and tubing. Any missing parts will be added to the pump and billed to the customer in the event a repair or replacement is required regardless of warranty status.
Certified Service Providers
Get local support from certified service specialists. White Knight’s global network of certified pump rebuilders expedite rebuild turn-around time and minimize shipping costs.
Certification Training
White Knight offers training sessions to certify technicians to rebuild their pumps. Technicians who pass the training are issued a two-year certification. During those two years, parts in pumps rebuilt by the technician receive a full warranty.
Pump Rebuild Kits
White Knight pumps are designed for long life and simplified maintenance. Pump parts fully rebuilt by White Knight, certified rebuilders, or technicians certified by White Knight receive full warranty renewal.