Responsible by Choice
White Knight pumps are designed to be quickly and easily serviced. They may be serviced or rebuilt multiple times and brought back to like-new specifications. Our high-purity pumps can have a service life of 10 years. The pump components maintain high levels of cleanliness, which allow them to be easily rebuilt. This also reduces the need to discard and replace pumps.

White Knight pump returned for service after more than nine years in the field. No metals, no corrosion.

Dedicated areas for servicing pumps enable prompt rebuilds and prevent contamination.
White Knight makes its home in the watershed of the west. The mountain range near our facility provides water to the Colorado and other river and reservoir systems. White Knight owns and maintains over two acres of these federally-regulated wetlands.
About one-third of an average landfill is made up of packaging material. White Knight’s in-house manufacturing reduces packaging waste and emissions from vehicles needed to transport parts through multiple suppliers.
Materials Disposal
Although White Knight uses only virgin PTFE and does not reuse recycled fluoropolymer materials, we send our scrap and waste materials to be recycled to help conserve our limited global resources. White Knight disposes of metals and other plastic materials in similar environmentally responsible ways.
Petroleum-based lubricants are not used in the manufacture of plastic components used in White Knight pumps, allowing the waste material to be recycled for use outside of our industry.
Electricity Use
Electricity usage in our manufacturing plant has been planned to reduce power consumption. Heat from machines assists in heating the building. Heat generated by compressors is vented into the building for heat in winter months. Multiple air compressors run in sequence so they can automatically shut down when compressed air is not needed.
Competitor Products
Competitor pumps include parts manufactured from materials that are incompatible with corrosives and other harsh chemicals. These products corrode, and corroded products cannot be rebuilt and are often safety hazards. Further, removing corroded products from tools, then separating and cleaning the corroded parts for disposal can be costly, time-consuming, and pose environmental concerns.

Corroded pumps can leak, contaminate your chemicals, and are difficult to remove from tools.
Competitor products that are corroded in tools may leak chemicals into the facility, contaminate the chemicals being pumped, and they are difficult to remove, separate and clean for repairs or environmentally-responsible disposal.

Corroded pumps cannot be rebuilt; they must be replaced. Proper disposal of corroded pumps is also difficult and costly.
Pump corrosion causes unnecessary expense because corroded pumps cannot be rebuilt. They must instead be replaced. Properly disposing of corroded pump materials is also difficult, time-consuming and costly. White Knight’s high-purity pumps do not contain metals. This increases the lifespan of the product, prevents unnecessary downtime, and reduces disposal costs.

Corroded pump parts are difficult to separate and clean for environmentally-responsible disposal.
This competing product from a customer’s scrap pile contains parts manufactured from materials that are not compatible with the chemicals used in the application.