CMP Slurry

Chemical-Mechanical Planarization (CMP) Slurry

Pumps for CMP Polishing

White Knight’s high-purity pumps feature Pneumatic Logic™, which reduces pulsation to prevent shear while gently pumping slurry. The pumps have long life spans and have been proven to operate reliably in the most demanding chemical environments.

PSD Series air-operated double-diaphragm (AODD) pumps are an economical alternative when exposure to EPDM rubber and some metals are acceptable when the pump diaphragm fails (e.g. waste lines).

Order Demo Pump

White Knight High-Purity Chemical Pumps

PSA Series Pumps

White Knight PSA060 and PSA140 pumps offer flow rates up to 60 lpm (16 gpm) and 140 lpm (36 gpm), respectively. They are capable of up to 7 Bar (100 psi) air supply pressures and fluid temperatures up to 100°C (212°F). They contain no metals and feature PTFE and PFA fluid paths. See PSA Series for details.

White Knight High-Purity Pneumatic Double-Diaphragm Pumps

PSD Series Pumps

White Knight PSD Series pumps offer economical bulk transport of corrosive chemicals. The 1/2-inch PSD08, 1-inch PSD16, and 1-1/2-inch PSD24 are capable of pumping up to 60 lpm (16 gpm), 140 lpm (36 gpm), and 320 lpm (85 gpm), respectively. See PSD Series for details.

Compare Pump Performance

PSD08 Performance Curves

PSA060 Performance Curves

PSD16 Performance Curves

PSA140 Performance Curves

PSD24 Performance Curves

Compare Maximum Flow Rates

PSA060 - 62 lpm (16 gpm)
PSD08 - 63 lpm (16.5 gpm)
PSA140 - 123 lpm (32 gpm)
PSD16 - 142 lpm (37.5 gpm)
PSD24 - 322 lpm (85.2 gpm)

High-Purity Closed-Loop Pump Systems

Automatically maintain laminar flow or steady pressure. White Knight closed-loop systems feature metal-free pumps with PTFE and PFA flow paths. They provide stable temperatures, dead-head, and suction lift.

White Knight’s closed-loop systems provide complete control of high-purity chemical processes and delivery systems. They simplify process automation to save customers’ time and resources, and they reduce costs by eliminating the need for expensive pressure systems.

  • ≤ 140 lpm (36 gpm) flow rates
  • ≤ 7 Bar (100 psi) pressures
  • ≤ 210°C (410°F) temperatures
  • Maintain stable temperatures
  • No metals, no corrosion
  • No elastomer O-rings, no leaks
  • No electric motors, no heat rise
  • No impellers, no microbubbles
High-Purity Closed-Loop Pump Systems
White Knight Rebuild Training for High-Purity Pumps

Training Programs

Certified Training White Knight provides comprehensive training for all employees and distributors…

White Knight Testing Lab with Metering Pumps PEM050

Testing Programs

Product Testing All White Knight products are subject to various testing procedures…

White Knight High-Purity Pump Bodies and Heads

Inventory & Tracking

White Knight eliminates inventory waste and obstacles by minimizing our supply chain…